Dentist holding teeth model with patient

A bright, confident smile is a valuable asset, not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its role in enhancing self-esteem and overall well-being. While various cosmetic dental procedures exist to improve the appearance of your teeth, composite dental bonding stands out as a versatile and cost-effective option. This non-invasive technique can address a range of dental concerns from chipped or discolored teeth to irregular gaps and misshapen smiles. 

How much is composite dental bonding, and what does it include? Find out all about composite dental bonding by reading below. 

Understanding Composite Dental Bonding

Composite dental bonding, often called dental bonding or simply bonding, is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material to your natural teeth. This resin is carefully sculpted, shaped, and polished to create a seamless and natural-looking appearance. Bonding is typically used to address various cosmetic and functional dental issues, such as:

  • Chipped or Cracked Teeth: Bonding can effectively restore teeth that have been chipped or cracked, providing strength and a pleasing appearance.
  • Tooth Discoloration: Composite bonding is an excellent solution for teeth that are stained or discolored and do not respond well to traditional teeth whitening methods.
  • Minor Gaps: Bonding can close small gaps or spaces between teeth, improving overall tooth alignment and symmetry.
  • Misshapen Teeth: Teeth that are irregularly shaped or uneven can be reshaped and contoured through bonding, creating a more harmonious smile.
  • Exposed Roots: Bonding can cover and protect tooth roots exposed due to gum recession, reducing sensitivity and enhancing aesthetics.

When Should I Consider Composite Dental Bonding?

Composite dental bonding can be a worthwhile option for a variety of situations. Here are some scenarios where it is particularly worth considering:

  • Minor Cosmetic Improvements: If you have relatively minor cosmetic concerns, such as small chips, slight discoloration, or small gaps between teeth, composite bonding is an excellent choice. It offers a conservative and cost-effective solution for enhancing your smile.
  • Quick Results: Dental bonding is a relatively quick procedure that can often be completed in a single visit to your dentist. If you desire a noticeable improvement in your smile within a short timeframe, bonding can be a suitable option.
  • Conservative Approach: Bonding preserves your natural tooth structure, as minimal enamel removal is required. This conservative approach ensures that your teeth remain strong and healthy.
  • Budget-Friendly: Compared to more extensive cosmetic treatments like veneers or crowns, composite dental bonding is a budget-friendly option for improving the appearance of your teeth.
  • Repairing Dental Trauma: If you’ve experienced dental trauma, such as a minor fracture or a chipped tooth, bonding can restore the tooth’s appearance and function effectively.
  • Enhancing Confidence: Addressing minor dental imperfections through bonding can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem, leading to a more positive self-image.
  • Test-Drive Cosmetic Improvements: If you’re considering more permanent cosmetic procedures, such as veneers, bonding can serve as a temporary “trial” to help you visualize the potential results before committing to a permanent solution.

How The Process Works

Patient at dental appointment

The composite dental bonding process is straightforward and typically involves consultation, treatment, and follow-up. Your dentist will begin with a thorough examination of your teeth and a discussion of your cosmetic goals. Together, you’ll determine if bonding is the right solution for you.

In most cases, minimal tooth preparation is required. Your dentist will gently roughen the tooth’s surface and apply a conditioning liquid to ensure the bonding material adheres properly. The tooth-colored resin material is applied to the prepared tooth, and your dentist will sculpt and shape it to achieve the desired appearance.

A special light is used to harden and set the bonding material in place. Once the material is hardened, your dentist will trim, shape, and polish it to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

When Is Composite Dental Bonding Not Worth It?

While composite dental bonding is a versatile and effective solution for many cosmetic dental concerns, there are situations where it may not be the most suitable option:

  • Severe Tooth Damage: Bonding is not well-suited for extensively damaged teeth that require structural support. More extensive treatments like crowns or veneers may be necessary in such cases.
  • Longevity Concerns: Composite bonding material is durable but may not last as long as alternatives like porcelain veneers. If you’re seeking a longer-lasting solution, you may consider other options.
  • Extensive Cosmetic Changes: If you’re looking for more dramatic and comprehensive cosmetic changes to your smile, such as a complete smile makeover, veneers, or crowns may provide better results. These options can address more significant issues with tooth shape, size, and issues alignment.
  • Oral Hygiene: Composite bonding requires regular oral hygiene practices to maintain appearance and longevity. If you have difficulty maintaining good oral hygiene habits, bonding may not be the best choice, as it can stain or become discolored over time.
  • Existing Dental Restorations: If you have extensive dental work, such as large fillings or multiple crowns, bonding may not provide a uniform or ideal appearance, as the bonding material may differ in color and texture from your existing restorations.
  • Bite Alignment Issues: Bonding may not be suitable for individuals with significant bite alignment issues or needing orthodontic treatment. In such cases, addressing the underlying alignment problems first may be necessary before considering cosmetic bonding.

How Much Is Composite Dental Bonding?

The cost of composite dental bonding can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the treatment, the number of teeth being bonded, the dentist’s expertise, and any additional procedures required. Prices can range from $100 to $400 per tooth. 

Dental insurance plans typically do not cover cosmetic procedures like dental bonding. However, if bonding is done for a functional reason, such as repairing a tooth with structural damage, insurance may provide partial coverage. It’s essential to check with your dental insurance provider to understand your coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses.

When evaluating the cost of composite dental bonding, it’s important to consider the immediate expenses and the long-term benefits. While dental bonding may require an initial investment, its affordability compared to more extensive cosmetic procedures, such as veneers or crowns, makes it an attractive option for many individuals.

Enhance Your Oral Health with Definitive Dental

Your questions might go further than just asking how much is composite dental bonding and whether it’s worth it or not. At Definitive Dental, our experienced team can answer your questions and help you take your smile to new heights. Book an appointment with us today to get started on composite dental bonding or any other dental procedure. 

A close image of a man’s face during a dental examination

It’s no secret that everything’s getting more expensive. With inflation rising and some difficult economic circumstances, many people find themselves wondering how they can pay for dental work with little to no money to spare.

If you have concerns about your teeth but simply can’t afford dental work, first of all, know that you’re not alone. Many people have similar concerns, and financial stress added to tooth pain only compounds the problem. Fortunately, there is good news.

It is still possible to get the dental treatment you need even when your bank account dips low. Our Grand Prairie office has compiled seven alternatives for when you can’t afford dental work.

1. Use a Credit Card

If you’re pursuing low-cost dental service, consider charging your treatment to a credit card.

While generally speaking credit card debt is not ideal for your long-term financial health, it can be a convenient solution if you need to undergo treatment like a root canal or crown. Delaying these dental procedures can lead to serious complications or infection, so it is best to receive treatment as soon as possible.

You may want to open a new credit card account rather than using an existing one. Look for cards that offer introductory 0% annual percentage rate periods on purchases. With this card, you won’t have to pay interest on your dental charge for a specific amount of time—for example, six months or a year. This will give you enough time to pay down all or most of the cost of your procedure before you begin accruing interest.

2. Explore Dental Insurance Options

Another step worth taking if you can’t afford dental work is to explore all of the dental insurance coverage options currently available to you.

Many people without much money wonder how they can pay for dental work simply because they don’t realize that their employers offer dental coverage. Many individuals, in fact, get dental insurance through their employers because they are typically offered at affordable monthly group rates. Maybe you declined this option during the last enrollment period simply to save yourself money, but take another look—your company might even cover a percentage of your premium. 

Alternatively, you can contact a major dental insurance provider, like BlueCross Dental and Aetna Dental, to see what plans they offer to individuals.

If you do sign up for dental coverage, you’ll need to become familiar with what treatment your insurance covers. You can find these details on your provider’s website or call your insurer for a membership handbook, which will clearly break down your coverage for you. For example, if you know you need a cracked filling replaced, check with the insurer to see what your out-of-pocket amount would be.

3. Take Advantage of Personal Loans

Let’s say you can’t afford dental work but you’re having trouble finding an affordable dental insurance plan or qualifying for a credit card. In this situation, you may want to look for an affordable personal loan that will cover your treatment cost. Then, you can simply pay the loan back along with some interest over time.

When seeking out this type of loan, you’ll need to furnish proof of your income. In addition, you’ll have to authorize your potential lender to check your credit. These two factors will ultimately determine your loan amount and the loan interest rate.

The personal loan route is generally an excellent option for individuals who can’t afford dental work because your loan amount will likely be adequate for covering your treatment costs. In addition, you can choose how long you take to pay back your loan, like 12 months or five years, based on your target monthly payment amount. 

Yet another benefit of choosing the personal loan option is that some loans carry lower interest rates than credit cards do. Just make sure that you borrow only the amount you truly need, as a smaller amount will be faster to pay back, and you will pay less in interest long term.

Loans are particularly great for covering extensive treatment that you otherwise couldn’t afford to pay for upfront, like full-mouth reconstructions, also known as smile makeovers. These procedures could involve getting dental implants, teeth whitening, or dentures, for example. You can also use a loan to cover the cost of a dental emergency.

You can look for personal loans at credit unions or banks. Alternatively, a family member or friend might be willing to loan you money. If you go this route, make sure to clearly spell out the terms of repayment and even consider having a written contract to avoid conflict later on.

woman with pink lipstick smiling

4. Save Money for Lower-Cost Treatments

Another way to pay for dental work with no money is to simply save up for a low-cost dental service.

If you need a certain type of treatment but can’t afford dental work, ask your dentist if a less expensive option is available. For instance, rather than doing a crown right now, your dentist might be able to give you a filling, which is usually less expensive, and recommend doing a crown later. Then, calculate the amount you’ll need to stow away each month to cover the cost of the lower-cost treatment. 

Setting aside even just $10 per week can help you eventually achieve your objective. As you save, try to cut out unnecessary expenses and put the resulting savings toward your savings account, too. You could also set up your own crowdfunding campaign, where generous friends and family may be able to donate money to cover your dental treatment costs.

man holding wallet with cards and money

5. Take Advantage of CareCredit

Many patients who can’t afford dental work have also turned to CareCredit, a medical credit card, to cover their dental procedure expenses. 

Applying for this type of credit line is relatively easy, and the interest rate associated with it is usually reasonable compared with that of a standard credit card. In addition, this card provides unique financing options not available with other credit cards.

Individuals who can’t afford dental work can easily pay for restorative and preventative treatments using CareCredit.

6. Capitalize on Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

HSAs are also an excellent option for paying for a low-cost dental service. HSAs are special savings accounts that allow people to save money for health care and medical costs before tax. An HSA offers the benefit of lowering your overall coinsurance, copayment, and deductible costs related to dental care.

If you can’t afford dental work, check to see if your employer will allow you to open this type of account through them. Alternatively, you may open one through a health insurance company or even a private financial institution.

7. Use a Dental Office Membership Plan

One of the best ways to afford dental treatment is to sign up for your dental office’s membership plan. These types of plans are designed to help people who don’t have dental insurance and can’t afford dental work otherwise.

For example, with our low-cost dental service plan in Grand Prairie, you will pay a small monthly fee to cover preventive care and X-rays. You can also enjoy discounted rates for dental treatment. For those who currently can’t afford dental work, this option can save them a large amount of money long term. This is particularly the case if you’ll need extensive work done in your mouth down the road.

Experience Quality Dental Care with Definitive Dental

At Definitive Dental, we are excited to offer a low-cost dental service plan to patients in Grand Prairie. It’s the perfect option for patients who can’t afford dental work but need work done on their teeth and gums. 

With our membership plan, you pay just $33 a month, or $396 a year, to get several benefits. These include two regular cleanings, two exams that include X-rays, and one emergency examination each year. Our plan also includes two fluoride treatments and a discount of 15% on additional services.

Our membership plans eliminate the need to worry about deductibles, maximums, pre-approvals, or waiting periods. In addition, the benefits we offer through our plans start immediately after you enroll.

In addition to offering this convenient Dental Care plan, we regularly offer cost-saving specials. For instance, you can get $1,000 off SureSmile clear aligner or dental implant treatment whether you’re a new or existing patient. New patients can also take advantage of free Zoom! teeth whitening and even a $69 emergency exam if they are not insured.

See All Special Offers

Why Choose Definitive Dental?

We’re proud to be a patient-first, caring, affordable dentist, which is why we offer a low-cost dental service plan for patients who can’t afford dental work. We have also developed a reputation for the high quality of our services as evidenced by our nearly 400 five-star reviews.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our membership plan and our services, and book an appointment with us today!

fingers holding clear, plastic aligner tray

You take a peek at some of your most memorable smiling photos over the years, and on the one hand, the moments leave you smiling some more. On the other hand, though, you feel a twinge of frustration knowing that your smile isn’t as perfect as you wish it could be.

The good news? You won’t have to peer at your future smiling pictures with frustration if you take advantage of clear aligners for straightening teeth. These types of aligners for teeth are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional braces for adults and offer cost and aesthetic benefits.

While many patients report great results, aligners are not for everyone. Here are the pros and cons of braces for adults, including their cost and other important factors.

What Are Aligners, and What Do These Braces for Adults Cost?

Aligners are removable, clear, custom-made devices designed to fit a person’s teeth. Unlike regular braces, these devices don’t feature brackets or wires. Instead, they combine quality digital planning with the physical force of plastic to move teeth gradually and precisely. You’ll receive two trays to place on your upper and lower teeth during the treatment period.

These braces for adults cost an average of around $4,000. The cost of these plastic braces for adults is a major benefit, as traditional braces for adults can easily cost an average of between $5,000 and $6,000. However, the benefits of these types of aligners for teeth don’t stop at their relatively competitive price tag.

Benefit of Invisibility

One of the top benefits of braces for adults, aside from cost, is the fact that they are virtually invisible. Other individuals will rarely be able to tell that you are using aligners when you wear them to class or the office. 

On the contrary, traditional braces come with noticeable metal brackets. As a result, you might feel less confident when wearing metal braces compared with aligners.

Benefit of Effectiveness

Yet another reason to choose clear braces for adults, outside of cost and transparency, is their incredible effectiveness when it comes to shifting teeth.

These types of aligners for teeth are perfect for fixing a variety of problems, including the following:

  • A small gap between two teeth
  • A minor overbite
  • Teeth overcrowding

With clear braces, you can easily and efficiently treat alignment problems by closing in gaps or adding the proper amounts of space where necessary.

man with smile and sunglasses after clear aligners

Benefit of Flexibility for Adults of All Ages

Plastic aligners are additionally in demand because they come with no maximum age limit. This means you can capitalize on these types of aligners for teeth whether you’re a young adult or in your golden years. As a matter of fact, even young children may qualify for aligners to improve their smiles.

Benefit of Portability

In addition to being transparent, effective, easy to qualify for, and cost-efficient, braces for adults stand out for being easy to remove.

These types of aligners for teeth, which are akin to mouthguard trays, can be taken out as needed. This means you don’t have to quit eating specific foods while undergoing orthodontic treatment with them. In addition, you can more easily keep your mouth healthy, as you can remove the trays before brushing and flossing to thoroughly clean your pearly whites each day.

The brackets of metal braces, on the other hand, do not come out till your treatment has been completed. This can unfortunately make eating and maintaining excellent oral hygiene a challenge on a daily basis.

Commitment Drawback

One of the biggest challenges of aligners is that they require a great deal of commitment on your end. 

These braces for adults may be cost-effective, but they also demand your attention. Be prepared to wear them for 20 to 22 hours per day for the best results. Unfortunately, if you tend to be forgetful or extremely busy, you might forget to slip on your aligners regularly. And sadly, this may slow your treatment down.

Limitations Drawback

As you count the cost of braces for adults, consider the fact that you won’t be deemed a candidate for aligners if you don’t currently have healthy gums and teeth. For instance, perhaps you suffer from gum disease or tooth decay. Your dentist will need to treat these issues before you can begin orthodontic treatment. In addition, if your oral health issue is more severe, like advanced gum disease, you may not be able to undergo treatment with aligners at all.

Also, note that aligners cannot fix certain alignment issues, such as the following:

  • Big gaps in your teeth
  • Severe overbite
  • Many crooked teeth

However, if you have a relatively healthy mouth and don’t have any serious alignment problems, aligners could work extremely well for you.

Oral Hygiene Challenge Drawback

Yet another consideration for those counting the cost of clear braces for adults is the fact that aligners require increased attention to oral hygiene.

For instance, after eating meals, you may want to brush or rinse out your mouth using water before putting your aligners back onto your teeth. Otherwise, you might end up trapping food particles under your trays. This debris might expedite bacterial processes in the mouth, therefore increasing your likelihood of developing gum disease or cavities.

As a wearer of aligners, you should also be prepared to brush these braces gently using a toothbrush daily. Alternatively, you can briefly soak the devices in a quality denture cleaner.

woman in robe brushing teeth

How to Decide

As you consider the costs versus benefits of plastic braces for adults, remember that aligners have helped many patients to achieve straighter teeth. In addition, because these appliances are fabricated from plastic, they are generally comfortable to wear throughout the treatment process. Treatment with aligners is also generally quicker (between half a year to 1.5 years) compared with traditional orthodontic treatment (one to three years). 

Simply put, when done under the care of a dentist, aligners can have a positive impact on your oral health and self-confidence. A reputable dentist can evaluate your oral condition and determine whether you are a candidate for treatment with aligners. Your dental office can also answer any questions you have about this type of orthodontic treatment, including whether your treatment may be covered by your dental insurance provider.

Achieve Your Dream Smile with the Help of the Experts at Definitive Dental Today

At Definitive Dental, known for dentistry done right, we are excited to be your go-to dental office for plastic aligners and other high-quality dental treatments. At our full-service dental practice, our other treatments range from dental implants to crowns, extractions, root canals, and dentures. We also provide six-month checkups for exams and cleanings to keep our patients’ teeth healthy in the long run.

When you visit our office, you can be confident that you are being treated by the best in the Dallas and Fort Worth metro area. We have earned numerous positive reviews on Google due to our matchless service and passion for providing a quality patient experience. We also pride ourselves on using leading dental technology to produce panoramic x-rays and complete digital scans of the teeth.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Call or text us at (972) 646-0660, or get in touch with us through our contact form today! You can expect a call back on the same day, typically within a couple of hours of filling out our form on the site. Contact us now!

woman smiling with white teeth

It’s one of those things, like changing the oil in your car. You’re supposed to do it every few months, but does it really matter? Many people wonder how often they should get their teeth cleaned and whether twice-a-year visits are truly necessary.

As it turns out, there’s a good reason that most dentists recommend visits every six months—and most insurance companies will pay for it. How often you should go to the dentist ultimately depends on your oral health history, but every six months is a good benchmark, even for otherwise healthy adults. Skipping a dental appointment can take a toll on your teeth and gums both now and in the future.

How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned Professionally?

To maintain stellar oral hygiene, you must make a habit of brushing your teeth twice daily. You should also floss once a day at a minimum. These are two easy tasks you can perform at home to remove food particles from your teeth and, in turn, keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. 

However, even a spectacular brushing and flossing routine will not remove all of the plaque buildup on your teeth. Some places are too hard to reach on your own, or in some cases, you will need a stronger tool than a toothbrush.

Debris Removal

If you’re wondering how often you should get your teeth cleaned, consider seeing your dentist twice yearly to ensure that all the plaque and tartar is removed from your teeth. Plaque is the soft debris that forms on your teeth after you eat. Meanwhile, tartar, which is also called calculus, is the hardened form of plaque that wasn’t removed. 

Plaque and tartar constantly accumulate along the gums and on the teeth. Even though flossing and brushing can certainly minimize such accumulation, they cannot totally prevent it. That’s where a dental hygienist comes in. He or she can perform the type of thorough and robust cleaning you need to prevent plaque and tartar from building up over the span of a few months.

toothpaste tube with toothbrush

What Happens During Your Cleaning

When you visit the dentist for a cleaning and exam, your hygienist will evaluate your teeth for signs of gum inflammation or decay. He or she will then remove the tartar and plaque present on your teeth. This is necessary for stifling the growth of bacteria, preventing the development of cavities, freshening your breath, and keeping your smile looking whiter. 

During this appointment, the dental staff might also take X-rays of your teeth to determine if you need additional treatment, such as dental fillings, crowns, or implants. In addition, your dental hygienist will likely rinse, floss, and polish your teeth. Fluoride may additionally be applied to your pearly whites to help to prevent cavities and strengthen the enamel. For those wondering how often you should get your teeth cleaned, all of these benefits demonstrate why six-month cleanings are worth the time.

Problem Prevention

Keep in mind that undergoing a cleaning every six months also offers the benefit of helping you to avoid more time-intensive and aggressive cleanings long term. These deep cleanings are known as scaling and root planing, which involves removing calculus both below and above the gumline to stop the progression of gum disease. This is important in that advanced gum disease, known as periodontal disease, can cause the gums to begin receding—a condition that might require periodontal surgery.

During your dental visit, your dentist can also pinpoint other important dental problems, such as alignment issues with your teeth. In this situation, you may be a candidate for orthodontic treatment using clear aligners, for example.

Other Ways Checkups Help

Getting your teeth cleaned regularly will furthermore help with detecting problems such as oral cancer. That’s because in addition to checking your teeth, your dentist will look carefully at your tongue and gums—the soft tissues surrounding your teeth. If you’re asking, “How often should I go to the dentist,” note that six-month checkups will allow you to detect and treat this potentially serious issue early rather than waiting until it’s too late for treatment.

The reality is that not every oral health problem causes pain initially. For this reason, you might not know that you have an issue until you are evaluated at your dentist’s office. By pinpointing such problems early on, your dental team can recommend swift treatment or propose adjustments to your dental care routine at home to address these issues.

dentist looking at a man’s teeth

More Often for High-Risk Groups

Ultimately, how often you should get your teeth cleaned depends on your current oral health and overall health condition. Note that going more frequently than every six months may be necessary if you belong to a high-risk group.

For instance, let’s say you smoke or use chewing tobacco. The plaque that builds up on your teeth will be stickier than it would if you did not use tobacco. This makes the plaque more likely to absorb bacteria, which can result in quicker cavities or increase your chances of developing periodontal disease.

The frequency of getting your teeth cleaned may be higher for patients with specific medical conditions as well. For instance, the saliva of people with diabetes may carry a larger amount of sugar compared with non-diabetics, which might lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay.

You may go to the dentist every three to four months if you currently suffer from gum disease. The same is true if you tend to develop large amounts of plaque and cavities due to genetics. Even great oral hygiene at home might not be enough for you to avoid frequent dental cleanings in this situation.

Learn More about How Often You Should Get Your Teeth Cleaned from Definitive Dental

At Definitive Dental, we pride ourselves on offering top-of-the-line dental cleanings and exams to keep your teeth in tip-top shape—or to get them there. 

Known for dentistry done right, we have earned more than 375 five-star reviews due to our excellent track record of listening to patients and helping them to maximize their health through our various treatments. We use the latest advances in dental technology for all of our patients for the best results.

Our practice is additionally committed to providing top-tier customer service through a caring, friendly staff. Whether you’re wondering how often you should get your teeth cleaned or how to tackle a specific dental problem, we’re here to help. Book a dental appointment with us by calling (972) 646-0660 or filling out our contact form. Let’s take your smile to new heights today!

A man with sleep apnea sleeping on a pillow

Your significant other is grumpy every morning for one reason: Your snoring has gotten out of control. And although you can’t say you’ve heard yourself snore, you have been feeling pretty tired these days. In the back of your mind, you can’t help but wonder if sleep apnea is the culprit.

The question is, what exactly is the definition of sleep apnea, and how do you know if you have it?

As a general rule of thumb, sleep apnea can cause people to feel tired, less focused, and irritable. However, just because you experience these physical challenges doesn’t mean you struggle with sleep apnea.

Here’s how you know if you have sleep apnea and how to effectively address this issue moving forward.

How Do You Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is defined as follows: a disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops while you sleep, preventing you from enjoying a full night of rest. This sleeping disorder comes in three forms:

  • Central sleep apnea is defined as a disorder where the brain does not send the appropriate signals to the muscles that control your breathing.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea is defined as a disorder where the throat’s rear soft tissue collapses and blocks the airways.
  • Complex sleep apnea is defined as the combination of central and obstructive sleep apnea.

The obstructive form is most common. However, many individuals do not know they have this or the other types of sleep apnea because they are asleep when they have their apnea episodes.

Sleep Apnea’s Symptoms

One of the easiest ways you can know if you have sleep apnea is to look for these symptoms:

  • Drowsiness or falling asleep during driving
  • Waking up constantly at night
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Memory loss or poor concentration
  • Mood changes or irritability
  • Morning headache
  • Choking or gasping while sleeping
  • Loud snoring, then silent pauses
  • Dry throat or mouth at night
  • Excessive sleepiness during the daytime
A man with sleep apnea yawning

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

While these symptoms might help you know if you have sleep apnea, how do you diagnose it? You will want to visit your doctor to undergo an examination. Your primary care physician can take a look at your long-term medical history as well as conduct an exam to pinpoint the possible causes of your symptoms. Your dentist may also inspect your airway to determine if any swelling or blockages are present.

Sleep studies can also be used to diagnose this condition. During such a study, you would use a monitoring device provided by your doctor to analyze your blood oxygen, heart rate, airflow, and breathing while you sleep at night. 

You may additionally use a smartphone app to track your snoring. These types of apps will record you during the night to detect loud sounds. Only apnea that is accompanied by snoring will be picked up via these apps.

Why Sleep Apnea Can Be Problematic

Sleep apnea may prevent you from feeling rested in the morning, and adequate sleep is essential for your wellbeing and health. In addition to causing sleep deprivation, sleep apnea can result in complications such as these:

  • Complications with surgery and medications
  • Liver issues
  • Diabetes (type 2)
  • Heart issues
  • Blood pressure problems

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Beyond just knowing the definition of sleep apnea, it’s important to understand the causes of the various forms of this disorder. 

For instance, central apnea becomes an issue when signals are not transmitted to the breathing muscles from the brain. Meanwhile, obstructive apnea takes place when your throat’s rear muscles, including your tongue, tonsils, uvula, and soft palate, are too relaxed. In this situation, the airway closes or narrows when you inhale, which causes you to stop breathing for at least 10 seconds.

When you have sleep apnea, the brain recognizes when you are not breathing. It then forces you to wake up so that you can open your airway. This can easily happen several times in one hour, and you may never even remember these occurrences. Unfortunately, the constant waking up keeps you from experiencing deep sleep.

Sleep Apnea Risk Factors

Knowing some of the common risk factors can also help you determine if you have sleep apnea. Genetics is one of them, so it may behoove you to speak with your loved ones to find out if any of them have received sleep apnea diagnoses in the past.

If your neck is thick or wide, this is another risk factor to take into consideration. That’s because you might have excess fat around your airways, which may apply pressure to your airways and, in turn, disrupt your breathing.

Apnea is also common in women and men who are older, and the older you get, the greater your risk of suffering from apnea. Still, you may experience this condition no matter how old or young you are.

Hormonal imbalances, such as acromegaly and hypothyroidism, can furthermore increase your risk of apnea. Likewise, neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, may make you more susceptible to developing central sleep apnea.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Knowing whether or not you have sleep apnea is the first step. Next, you’ll need to explore all of your sleep apnea treatment options. For instance, you may take advantage of CPAP therapy. This treatment involves sending air that has been pressurized into the mouth to force the airway open while you are asleep. A connective hose, CPAP machine, and face mask are required as part of this therapy.

Another sleep apnea treatment option is a custom-fitted oral appliance, particularly for people with moderate or mild obstructive sleep apnea. The appliance, which mirrors a mouthguard, is designed to help your airway stay open while you are sleeping. The device essentially prevents the upper airway tissues and the tongue from hampering your breathing. It’s critical that the appliance fits your mouth properly to prevent jaw problems. 

For some individuals, their sleep apnea stems from deviated septums or rear throat inflammation. In this situation, surgery may be necessary. You could also improve your apnea situation if you make changes to your lifestyle and sleep habits. For instance, consider exercising to shed body fat, or sleep only on your side.

A woman sleeping beside a dog

Definitive Dental Can Help

At Definitive Dental, we are well equipped to diagnose sleep apnea, and if you suffer from it, we can provide you with the perfect appliance for addressing it. We can also provide you with a full range of other dental treatments to meet your unique needs, such as dental implants, clear braces, dentures, extractions, crowns, and root canals.

Our office is also eager to help you to maintain a healthy smile through regular six-month checkups, cleanings, and exams. We have earned a reputation for guiding numerous patients to complete oral health.
Make an appointment by calling or texting us at (972) 646-0660, or reach out to us through our contact form today!

woman with glasses smiling

As you age, maintaining healthy oral habits is essential to help your teeth last a lifetime. People over the age of 65 have an increased chance of gum disease, tooth loss, and dental decay. Although teeth changes will occur, there are a few ways to help support healthy teeth and gums as you grow older. 

man with a bright white smile

Acknowledge Natural Wear and Tear

Teeth changes are natural. Wear and tear come to all physical aspects of life, including our bodies, and teeth are no exception. After so much use, older teeth are more worn down than younger teeth. As we age, our teeth get weaker, more susceptible to cracks and breaks. This makes proper care more important than ever. This can include being aware of more sensitive teeth and forming specific treatment plans with your dentist as necessary. 

While it is natural for teeth to wear down, you don’t have to expedite the process, and there are some measures you can take to preserve your teeth as much as possible. Wearing a nightguard is a great way to protect your teeth. Another type of protection comes with monitoring what you put in your mouth, as described below.

Recognize Food and Drinks to Avoid

You’ve likely noticed or are already aware that some foods and drinks, including coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco, act as staining agents to teeth, causing mild to severe discoloration, especially with frequent use over time. Tobacco is the most serious of these elements to avoid, since “the risk of developing an oral cavity cancer increases with age and tobacco use,” as studied by Harvard Health Publishing.

Having a dry mouth is also a bigger concern with age, especially since it’s paired with increased cavity risk. Tobacco dries out your mouth even more — another reason to avoid it. It’s the same with alcohol and caffeinated beverages. If you must have these drinks, counteract the dry mouth effects with sugarless gums and plenty of water.

woman with glasses smiling

Be Aware of Gum Health

Teeth changes that come with age are not just about teeth, because your smile is more than teeth: it’s also about your gums. Naturally, gums will thin and recede with age. That doesn’t just make your smile look different; gum recession exposes the softer roots of teeth. Without as much protection, teeth can more easily get cavities. You are also more vulnerable to gum disease as you get older for this reason.

Gum health is critical to be aware of when it comes to maintaining a healthy appearance and sensation in your mouth. The last thing you want is discomfort, swelling, or pain in the gums to affect the look and feel of your smile. Be aware of the symptoms of gum disease and pay attention to your gum appearance and feel. Let your dentist know immediately if you have itchy gums or any pain in your mouth. It’s best to take care of small issues as soon as possible before they become emergencies.

Prioritize Your Dental Care

As your teeth change with age, it’s more important than ever to prioritize your dental care. Establish a consistent routine of regular dental checkups and dedicated oral hygiene maintenance at home to keep a youthful-looking smile even through the natural wear and tear that comes with teeth changes with age.

Here at Definitive Dental, we’re here to help you with personalized care towards promoting your oral health at any age, from 6 months old  to 100 years old. Get in contact with us today so we can get started with your custom treatment plan. From dental emergencies to dentures and regular cleanings, we have all the services you need for complete oral health! 

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