Young man in school uniform thinking

Millions of people have their wisdom teeth removed each year, and it’s possible that a dentist just recommended this procedure to you or your child.

But is the removal of wisdom teeth medically necessary? And if so, when do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

It’s actually quite common for dental patients to have trouble with their wisdom teeth. Many dentists recommend that patients have their wisdom teeth pulled before their early 20s in order to avoid major oral health issues down the road.

Here’s why so many dentists want those wisdom teeth removed.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are your mouth’s third molars, or the molars in the back of the mouth. These molars are the final set of your adult teeth to grow in. Wisdom teeth usually emerge between ages 17 and 25. The name wisdom teeth is a reference to the fact that they appear at a more mature age.

Why Do So Many Dentists Suggest Having Them Pulled Out?

Sometimes the removal of wisdom teeth is necessary to prevent oral health issues. Although not always the case, the late emergence of these teeth can cause damage to other teeth, alignment issues, or infection. So, when exactly do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

As a general rule of thumb, wisdom teeth do not require removal if they happen to be healthy, grown in fully, and positioned correctly. Even still, a dentist may suggest removal if he or she suspects that the wisdom teeth may lead to alignment problems later in life.

However, in many cases, removing the wisdom teeth is mandatory because these teeth lack the room they need to grow in correctly. For instance, they may begin to grow at a variety of angles in your jawbone, including horizontally. ​​

A dentist looks at an X-ray of the mouth

What Happens If You Don’t Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?

Let’s say that the removal of wisdom teeth is necessary in your case but you choose to keep these teeth in. Various issues may result over the next few decades.

First, your wisdom teeth might remain totally hidden in the gums. In this case, they can become impacted, or trapped, in the jaw. This may lead to an infection. Alternatively, it might result in a cyst, which may damage the roots of your other teeth, as well as your bone support.

Alternatively, your wisdom teeth might partially emerge through your gums. In this situation, the area may be difficult to see, which means that cleaning it properly might prove to be impossible. As a result, your third molars might become magnets for infection-causing and gum disease-causing bacteria.

Third, your wisdom teeth may end up crowding your nearby teeth if your mouth doesn’t have enough room for them. This might ultimately cause damage to your other teeth, affect your bite, and lead to pain.

A man holding washcloth against cheek

What If You Just Wait a Few Years?

If you’re asking the question “When do wisdom teeth need to be removed,” note that some dentists say that the removal of wisdom teeth is necessary if these teeth have not fully emerged. In addition, many dental care providers recommend removing these molars at younger ages. That’s because it’s easier to remove these teeth before their roots and the bone surrounding them have fully formed. On top of this, younger people generally recover from surgery more quickly than older individuals do.

You should most definitely get your wisdom teeth removed if you begin to experience any of the following oral problems:

  • Extensive decay of the wisdom teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Tumors
  • Pain
  • Constant soft tissue infections behind your bottom wisdom teeth

How a Dentist Can Help with Wisdom Tooth Removal

If your dentist determines that the removal of your wisdom teeth is necessary, you will undergo sedation with laughing gas or IV. Then, your dentist will numb the target areas and remove any tissue covering your teeth. Bone may also be removed if the teeth are impacted.

Next, your dentist will loosen the teeth to remove them. Finally, you will receive stitches in the surgical sites. Your dentist will then provide you with instructions for caring for the sites, such as not using a straw to drink beverages while you’re recovering (this can disrupt the blood clots that form at the sites during the healing process).

Remember, a few days of healing is easier than years of oral health complications.

Schedule an Appointment with the Experts at Definitive Dental Today

At Definitive Dental, we are ready to help you to eliminate your wisdom teeth issues if we determine that the removal of your wisdom teeth is necessary. Known for dentistry done right, we have earned hundreds of five-star reviews for effectively guiding patients to complete oral health and providing them with grade-A treatment. 

Call or text us at (972) 646-0660, or reach out to us through our contact form to request an appointment today!

An elderly couple smiling and embracing

You may have had your dentures so long that they feel like a part of you. But recently, you’ve noticed a change in how they fit in your mouth.

It’s not you. It’s them.

Perhaps your dentures no longer sit properly in your mouth. Or, maybe you’re beginning to feel some pressure on your gums when you put your dentures in each morning. Either way, you may be wondering if you should replace the teeth in your dentures. And if so, how often should you replace your dentures from now on?

It can be difficult to know when dentures are due for a replacement. Here’s what to look for.

Why Do You Have to Replace the Teeth in Dentures?

Whether you’re missing teeth due to an accident or medical reasons, dentures can be an excellent solution. They can increase your self-esteem by restoring a pearly-white smile over your previously missing teeth. Dentures can also help you to speak and chew normally. Because dentures help to prevent the muscles in your face from collapsing due to the absence of teeth, they can help you to look young. 

Even though dentures are sturdy devices built for everyday use, they unfortunately don’t last forever. It’s common to need to replace some or all of your dentures, and contacting a qualified dentist is the way to get started.

A dentures model

Why Dentures Don’t Last Forever

Although dentures provide many advantages and are generally built to last, you typically need to replace the teeth in your dentures after seven to ten years. However, how often you should replace your dentures ultimately depends on how well you care for them. Dentures may have a shorter lifespan if you do not clean them each night or allow your dentist to make revisions to them when needed, for example. 

Signs It’s Time to Replace the Teeth in Your Dentures

You should replace the teeth in your dentures if you’ve begun to notice that they feel loose. For instance, you may be worried that your dentures will fall out if you sneeze, cough, laugh, or talk—something that never used to concern you. This is a clear sign that a denture replacement is in order.

Another indicator that your dentures might need replacing is if you are struggling to speak clearly or chew confidently when wearing your device. Likewise, you should replace the teeth in your dentures if any of the teeth have become broken. Although denture materials are wear-and-damage resistant, these devices can chip or crack over time.

Finally, replace your dentures if they are beginning to cause gum irritation and sores. Sores may develop if your dentures move around and rub against the gums, or if the dentures press more forcefully in some areas compared with others.

How a Dentist Can Help You to Replace the Teeth in Your Dentures

If you are experiencing any of the above-listed challenges with your dentures, the best thing to do is to head to the dentist. Your dentist will take new bite and jaw impressions for you, then create an accurate model of your new dentures. Your dentist will also assess your dentures’ fit, shape, and color. 

Afterward, your new device will be fabricated based on the model. Then, any necessary final adjustments will be made to the dentures to ensure that they fit you perfectly.

Your dentist can also go over with you how often you should replace your dentures going forward and how to extend their lifespan.

woman laughing replace teeth in dentures

Experience the Definitive Dental Difference By Booking an Appointment Today

At Definitive Dental, we would be more than happy to replace the teeth in your dentures to give you the stunning smile you wish to maintain. We take pride in dentistry done right.

As your leading full-service dental practice in Grand Prairie, we take pride in offering high-quality solutions ranging from dentures to crowns to teeth whitening. In our office, we use the latest dental technology to provide virtually painless treatment. If you ever experience too much pain during a procedure, we’ll stop right away and apply more anesthetic.

If your dentures are causing discomfort, know that we can fix it. Make your appointment by calling or texting our office at (972) 646-0660 today!

A boy with a loose tooth smiles

Your little one approaches you with that unforgettable smile of his, but this time, you notice something different: one of his little teeth is starting to wiggle.

The more that your child pushes his loose tooth with his tongue, the more flexible “the wiggler” becomes. Maybe it’s because it looks uncomfortable or maybe it’s because it seems like that tooth is hanging on for dear life. In either case, it’s tempting to give that wiggler a good yank.

Don’t, though.

You should not pull a loose tooth, as this can have an adverse impact on your child’s permanent teeth when they begin to grow in. Here’s everything you need to know about pulling baby teeth—and why you shouldn’t do it.

Why You Should Not Pull a Loose Tooth

If you attempt to pull your child’s loose tooth on your own, you may end up causing damage to your child’s gum tissue or to nearby teeth. You could also leave pieces of his bone behind in the tooth socket, which may result in an infection.

If the baby tooth became loose on its own, it will fall out on its own. You don’t have to force it out—that’s Mother Nature’s job. 

A smiling child near a stairway with a loose tooth

But What If It’s Really Loose?

Although you should avoid trying to pull a loose tooth, sometimes it really does seem like that tooth is hanging on by a thread. Before pulling, apply some pressure to the tooth in your child’s mouth. If she feels any pain, this means that the tooth roots are not dissolved enough yet for you to remove her tooth safely. Even if you think you can just do it quickly, stop if your child describes a sensation from the pressure.

Also, before you start pulling baby teeth, be sure to contact your child’s dentist for advice. Her dentist can help you to determine whether removing the tooth is the best option at this time. 

A young boy with a gap in his smile from losing a baby tooth

What Happens When a Loose Tooth Falls Out Naturally?

If you allow your child’s teeth to fall out on their own, this clears the path for his permanent teeth to start coming in. As a result, you can expect his permanent teeth to grow in the mouth with no issues. 

The key takeaway? You should not pull a loose tooth if you can help it. It’s tempting, but just let your child’s baby teeth come out on their own. If you have concerns, you should take your child to the dentist for additional guidance.

Protect Your Child’s Teeth with the Help of Definitive Dental Today

At Definitive Dental, we are honored to brighten your child’s smile. From family dentistry to cosmetic and restorative dentistry, we’re here to keep you and your little one’s teeth healthy and strong for years to come.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and book an appointment today.

A barista pours cream into a coffee cup

Your morning alarm sounds, and you begrudgingly get out of bed. You pull yourself toward the kitchen for the one thing that wakes you up for the workday.

But should you worry about your teeth?

Many Americans drink coffee to get their days started—then feel a twinge of guilt when their dental hygienist mentions staining on their teeth. But is coffee truly bad for your teeth? What if you only drink it in small amounts or you brush your teeth daily? Here’s a rundown of everything you need to know about coffee’s impact on your dental health and teeth coffee stain removal.

Popular Conceptions About Coffee and Dental Health

The popular perception of coffee’s impact on oral health doesn’t always align with reality, but that’s not to say coffee has no effect on teeth, either.

Myths About Coffee and Teeth

When it comes to the question “Is coffee bad for your teeth,” one of the biggest myths is that coffee causes irrevocable harm to your dental health. On the other hand, it’s not that you should have no concerns. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Perhaps one of the stranger myths related to teeth and coffee is that eating a carrot immediately after you drink coffee will prevent staining. We’ll explore the truth concerning this dental “trick” below.

Separating Fact from Myth

So, is coffee bad for your teeth? The good news is that coffee can, in fact, benefit your teeth. That’s because coffee possesses both antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which benefit your general health as well as your dental health. 

The antibacterial properties help to fight pathogens that can harm your teeth. Meanwhile, the antioxidant properties help to reduce reactive oxygen species, which play a role in gum disease—an inflammatory oral disease. These powerful properties of coffee can be attributed to compounds called polyphenols, which are found in many foods and plants. 

But don’t get too excited. Coffee has some dental-related drawbacks, too. 

For starters, coffee is acidic, which can take a toll on the enamel—the hard outer surface—of your teeth. When your protective enamel begins to wear down, this makes your pearly whites more sensitive and susceptible to damage as a result of disease and trauma.

Coffee is also bad for your teeth in that it can stain your teeth, as the beverage features tannins—dark pigments that attach to the teeth. These pigments can easily yellow the teeth over time.
You may be tempted to eat carrots after drinking coffee to prevent staining, per one of the myths on teeth coffee stain removal mentioned earlier. Yes, fruits and vegetables like carrots, celery, and apples are nature’s stain removers, so they can help to wash away coffee tannins. However, simply eating these foods likely will not prevent a yellow hue from forming on your teeth.

man woman with coffee cups

When You Should Be Concerned About Your Coffee’s Dental Effects

Considering that coffee is bad for your teeth, you should be concerned about its impacts on your oral health if you continually consume more than two cups of joe per day. 

It’s also time to pay extra attention to how your coffee is affecting your mouth if you haven’t visited the dentist in more than six months. Regular dental checkups are critical for preventing oral issues before they start and tackling issues that have already cropped up.

Finally, you should be concerned about your coffee consumption if you notice that your teeth have already become discolored.

At-Home Habits

Although coffee is bad for your teeth, it’s still possible to enjoy it while maintaining that pearly-white grin

Yes, everything will be okay—your life as an avid coffee drinker isn’t over. And it’s all because a few simple good habits can help with teeth coffee stain removal moving forward.

First, diminish those coffee stains by diluting your favorite coffee with milk. Also, consider drinking your coffee through a straw so that it makes less contact with your teeth. You may additionally want to drink more water while drinking coffee or after drinking it. This is because water neutralizes your mouth’s acids, resulting in less damage to your teeth.

An electric toothbrush can furthermore help with removing stains. This is especially true when you brush right after you drink your coffee and when you use whitening toothpaste.

Consider brushing your teeth with some baking soda as well. The baking soda can help to remove tannins and color compounds that are stuck on your teeth.

How a Dentist Can Help with Teeth Coffee Stain Removal

Because coffee is bad for your teeth, you should also consider teeth whitening services at your local dentist’s office if you are a regular java drinker. 

Through professional whitening, you can restore your teeth’s bright color while protecting them. In-office dental whitening tends to have longer-lasting effects compared with home teeth-whitening remedies.

Before and after photos of whitened teeth

Keep Your Teeth Looking White and Healthy with the Help of Definitive Dental

If you’re concerned that coffee is bad for your teeth, now couldn’t be a better time to take advantage of our Zoom! Solution for whitening teeth at Definitive Dental, located in Grand Prairie, Texas. It’s also an excellent time to schedule your next dental exam and cleaning, which will further help to keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Known for dentistry done right, we have earned 375+ five-star reviews due to our stellar service. We stand behind all of the work we do and are devoted to providing an excellent patient experience.

Schedule an appointment with us by calling or texting us at (972) 646-0660, or reach out to us via our contact form today!

Man smiling up close

For the past several mornings, you’ve noticed some blood in the sink while brushing your teeth. You may wonder if something is wrong with your gums—and how serious the issue may be.

Unfortunately, bleeding is a key warning sign of gum disease. This type of disease doesn’t just affect your mouth; it impacts your overall health.

Naturally, you may be asking “What are the main causes for gum disease,” and “Does gum disease go away on its own?” Here’s a rundown on gum disease’s chief causes and what you can do to treat it.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an oral inflammatory condition that impacts the soft and hard structures supporting your teeth. 

Mild gum disease, which affects only the gums, is known as gingivitis. If left untreated, the infection that leads to gingivitis may travel below the gum line and enter the bone. At this point, it becomes periodontitis—a severe form of the disease.

Causes for Gum Disease

The chief culprit in the development of gum disease is plaque—a bacterial film that develops on the teeth and gums. If you don’t rinse, floss, and brush thoroughly and often enough (twice a day for brushing, and once a day for flossing), then you won’t remove this film. This increases your chances of experiencing gum disease.

The chief causes of gum disease also include not getting all of your vitamins every day, especially vitamin C. If your diet is high in carbohydrates and sugar, as well as low in vitamin C and water, gum issues are virtually unavoidable. 

Smoking is yet another one of the main causes of gum disease. That’s because tobacco use interferes with gum cells’ normal function, which makes your oral cavity more susceptible to gum infection. 

Causes for gum disease further include a family history of gingivitis or periodontitis. If your grandparents or parents suffered from these diseases, this may increase your chances of developing a bacterial infection in your gums as well.

Woman brushing her teeth in the mirror

Gum Disease Symptoms

One of the main signs of gum disease is sore, red, swollen, gums. This occurs because bacteria form below the gums. You may also notice your gum tissue receding around your teeth, causing your tooth roots to be exposed.

Bad breath is yet another indicator that you have fallen victim to one of the main causes of gum disease. The reason for this is that the mouth houses several million bacteria due to being the perfect wet, warm home for them. The bacteria feed on your teeth’s plaque and release toxins in the process. These toxins may irritate your teeth and gums, and unfortunately, they feature a detestable smell.

Gum Disease Complications and Effects

All these causes of gum disease may ultimately impact not only your gums but also the tissues connecting your gums to your teeth. Your infection might furthermore impact your jawbone, leading to bone deterioration. All of this can prevent your gums from securing your teeth long term, leading to tooth loss.

Gum disease may additionally lead to cardiovascular disease, therefore leading to more strokes and heart attacks. This may sound extreme, but it’s possible because bacteria in your gums can enter the bloodstream and trigger atherosclerosis, where plaque forms and hardens in the arteries. This can increase your chances of developing blood clots.

Respiratory problems, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, may also result from gum disease. This can happen if your mouth’s bacteria pass into the respiratory tract. Gum disease might also exacerbate a current respiratory condition, such as asthma or COPD, due to increased inflammation in your airways.

At-Home Gum Disease Treatments

Even with such dire consequences, swollen gums aren’t necessarily a reason to panic. Gum disease does go away with the help of a variety of at-home treatments. For starters, consider drinking green tea, which is antioxidant-rich and therefore helps to reduce the inflammation of the gums. This decreases the damage done to your gums as well as the supporting bone.

Saltwater also helps to eliminate gum disease-causing bacteria. This natural disinfectant effectively heals inflamed tissues in the mouth by causing fluids to leave the swollen areas of your mouth. 

Baking soda additionally works against your mouth’s harmful bacteria, making it a viable at-home gum disease treatment. This substance furthermore neutralizes the acids responsible for causing inflammation and tooth surface damage. Simply mix a tiny amount of it with water, then gently brush your teeth with the slurry.

Green tea in a cup on a table

When to See a Dentist for Gum Disease Treatment

If these at-home tricks don’t give you relief, you may be asking “How else does gum disease go away?” A dentist can help you to eliminate your gum infection through dental cleanings every six months.

You should see a dentist if your bite is beginning to feel different due to the shifting of your teeth. Likewise, schedule an appointment with a dentist if you notice that your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold beverages, your gums itch, or if your gums hurt when you touch them.

Target the Causes of Gum Disease with Help from Definitive Dental

At Definitive Dental, we are known for dentistry done right. We are ready to thoroughly examine and clean your teeth to keep gum disease at bay. We can also help you to prevent many of the main causes of gum disease to keep your teeth in tip-top shape moving forward.

As a prospective patient of our premium dentistry practice, you can expect a callback on the same day, usually within two hours of filling out a form on our website. In addition, we provide a Pain-Free Guarantee, where we offer profound numbing when needed to ensure your comfort during any procedure. From start to finish, we are committed to guiding you, our valued patient, to complete oral health.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can preserve and enhance your smile in the months and years ahead.

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