A young girl trying to wear a mouth guard

Do you wake up tired after a full night’s rest? Do you snore loudly at night? If you experience these problems and feel extreme fatigue the morning after, you might be suffering from sleep apnea. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of sleep apnea dental appliances and other forms of treatment. 

What is Sleep Apnea?

person with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a medical disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts while you sleep. This can happen hundreds of times throughout the night. There are three types of sleep apnea, with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) being the most common form of this disorder. OSA is when the upper airways get partially or completely blocked during sleep.

Why does this happen? During sleep, the muscles in the back of your throat relax. In some people, these relaxed muscles can collapse and block the airways. When you stop breathing, your brain senses danger and partially wakes you to reopen the airways. These recurrent apnea episodes interfere with deep sleep, leading to chronic fatigue and a host of health problems. 

The Effects of Sleep Apnea On Your Body

Before diving into how sleep apnea dental appliances work, you must understand the importance of seeking treatment. Sleep quality is as, if not more important than diet and exercise for your overall well-being. Quality sleep allows you to recover from the day’s stress, recharges your body and mind, and repairs damage to help you maintain optimal health.

Why should you see a sleep apnea specialist? Because if left untreated, sleep apnea can kill you. Studies have shown that sleep apnea can cause hypertension, stroke, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure. In addition to health problems, sleep apnea impairs cognitive function. This increases the risk of work-related accidents and motor vehicles crashes.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

A male doctor consulting with a patient

As you’ve learned, sleep apnea has devastating effects on your health. From nasal and throat surgery to sleep apnea dental appliances ⏤ the good news is that there are plenty of therapies and procedures to help you control its symptoms. If you have symptoms suggestive of sleep apnea, your doctor will perform a series of tests to evaluate the severity of your condition. 

For mild cases of sleep apnea, simple lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol, or sleeping on your side may suffice for keeping the disorder away. If your condition is more advanced, you will need higher-level treatments. Below are the most common treatments sleep apnea specialists recommend for moderate to severe forms of the disorder:

CPAP Machines

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are the most widely used treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. Using a tube and a face mask which you will wear while you sleep, the device gently forces pressurized air through your nose and mouth. The increased air pressure prevents your throat muscles from collapsing during sleep, keeping your airway open. 

Sleep Apnea Dental Appliances

While CPAPs are the standard treatment for sleep apnea, oral appliances are becoming increasingly popular. Also known as mandibular advancement devices (MADs), sleep apnea oral appliances are custom-made mouthguards that look like orthodontic retainers. When worn at night, the mouthpieces reposition your jaws to keep the throat open while you sleep.

Surgical Procedures

If all other treatments have failed to improve your condition, your sleep apnea specialist may recommend that you get surgery. Surgical procedures are very effective for people who have excessive or malformed tissues such as enlarged tonsils, a deviated nasal septum, or a small lower jaw with an overbite that doesn’t respond to sleep apnea dental appliances.

How Do Oral Appliances Work?

A young girl trying to wear a mouth guard

We talked briefly about what sleep apnea oral appliances are. Let’s now delve into how they work. MADs are two-piece devices that snap over your upper and lower arches. Once in place, these adjustable devices work to gently push your lower jaw and tongue forward. This helps prevent the tissues in your throat from collapsing and blocking your airway during sleep.

Do these appliances actually work? Many studies have found oral appliance therapy to improve OSA in a majority of patients, including some with severe forms of the disorder. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM), two-thirds of patients experienced therapeutic benefits from wearing sleep apnea dental appliances

Benefits of Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances

Although the most recommended treatment for sleep apnea, many patients can’t tolerate CPAP machines due to their inconvenience. More than 50% of patients drop out of CPAP therapy within the first year of treatment. Compared to CPAP devices, oral appliances are more comfortable to wear, resulting in a higher compliance rate and better treatment outcomes.

When used consistently and under the guidance of your sleep apnea specialist, dental devices can considerably improve your sleep quality. You can start to feel a difference in your symptoms after the first night of use. Convenient and non-invasive, sleep apnea dental appliances provide many advantages over traditional OSA treatments. Some of these benefits include:

  • Portable and easy to travel with
  • Works without electricity
  • Does not make any noise
  • Easy to clean and care for
  • More cost-effective than other treatments

Getting an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea 

The first step to getting an oral appliance for sleep apnea is to consult with your doctor. If your sleep apnea specialist determines that a dental device would work for you, they will refer you to a dentist who specializes in making these appliances. During your first visit with the dentist, they will examine your dental health to decide if you’re a good candidate for mouth guards.

If you qualify, the dentist will take an impression of your mouth to make your sleep apnea dental appliance. At Definitive Dental, we only take digital impressions to ensure perfect-fitting mouthpieces. The impressions are sent to a lab to custom design your device. When your device is ready, you’ll return to the office for fittings and further adjustments to optimize care.

Get Your Oral Device From Definitive Dental

While it may seem like an innocuous disorder, sleep apnea not only wrecks your health but is also a threat to public safety. Left untreated, sleep apnea can shorten your life and make you unhappy while you’re alive. Treating this debilitating condition is essential to protect the public from its negative effects and improve your quality of life.

If you’re thinking of getting a sleep apnea dental appliance in the Grand Prairie area, look no further than Definitive Dental. We are rated a top-three dentist in Grand Prairie, Texas because we deliver Dentistry Done Right. Whether you need a custom-made dental appliance or a routine dental checkup, we can help. Call or text us at (972) 646-0660 to book an appointment.

A young woman smiling and revealing perfect teeth

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to the American College of Prosthodontics (ACP), more than 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Many factors, ranging from cavities to gum disease, can cause tooth loss. Missing teeth not only ruin your smile but also create a host of health problems.

If you have missing teeth, dental restoration can significantly improve your quality of life. The best teeth replacements currently available are dental crowns and bridges. What are dental crowns and bridges and how do they work? In this post, we’ll explain the difference between these two popular tooth replacement options so you can determine which one is right for you.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that cover a damaged tooth or a dental implant. When placed over a cracked, broken, or decayed tooth, dental crowns can protect the tooth and restore its structure, strength, and appearance. In dental restoration procedures, dental crowns are fixed on top of an implant to serve as the visible part of a missing tooth.

Dental crowns are very versatile and come in different types and compositions. Permanent crowns can be made out of metals, resins, porcelain, and ceramic. In addition to the diverse materials, crowns can offer different levels of coverage. While traditional crowns provide complete tooth coverage, onlays and ¾ crowns only cover a portion of the tooth.

What are Dental Bridges?

Although both are fixed artificial teeth, dental crowns and bridges are not the same. A dental bridge is a false tooth ⏤ called a pontic ⏤ that fills the empty space created by a missing tooth. If you have one or more missing teeth, multiple pontics can be used to bridge the gap. While crowns can also be applied to protect a tooth, bridges are only used to replace lost teeth.

Despite their differences, bridges rely on crowns to stay in place. A bridge consists of artificial teeth that are fused to crowns at both ends. The crowns are cemented onto existing teeth or attached to dental implants for support. Once anchored into position, the pontics rest in the area of the gums where there is tooth loss, restoring the look and function of your teeth.

Why Would You Need a Dental Crown?

Now that you know what dental crowns and bridges are, let’s discuss why you might need either one of them. Crowns and bridges have different uses. Your dental needs and budget will determine which option is best for you. Your dentist may recommend a dental crown for any of the following reasons:

  • Protect a weak tooth from breaking
  • Keep together parts of a cracked tooth
  • Restore a broken or severely worn down tooth
  • Strengthen a filled tooth when there isn’t enough tooth structure remaining
  • Hold a dental bridge in place
  • Cap a dental implant
  • Cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth
  • Make cosmetic enhancements
  • Reinforce a tooth that’s been treated with root canal

Why Would You Need a Dental Bridge?

A person wearing purple latex gloves and polishing a dental bridge

While crowns have many applications on their own, dental crown and bridge combinations are solely used to replace missing teeth. Many patients choose to forgo tooth replacement because of its costs. Dental bridges offer a more cost-effective way to get tooth restoration than dental implants. This can help you avoid issues like:

  • Drifting teeth
  • Bite problems
  • Teeth misalignment
  • Tooth decay and gum disease
  • Chewing and speaking difficulties
  • Pain from the extra stress on your teeth and jaws
  • Self-consciousness due to an embarrassing smile

What Is the Process for Getting Crowns and Bridges?

After learning what dental crowns and bridges are used for, we’ll describe what you should expect when getting them done. The process for getting crowns will differ depending on whether you’re seeking tooth replacement or protection. 

To replace missing teeth with dental crowns, you should first get dental implants. A dental implant is a small, screw-like post that is surgically placed below your gums to serve as tooth roots. Once the implant fuses with your jawbone, your dentist will attach an abutment to the post. When your gums and bone heal, the crown is screwed on or cemented to the abutment.

The process of receiving a crown for tooth protection is similar to getting a bridge because bridges have crowns at both ends. Here is what you should expect when getting dental crowns and bridges:

Dental Assessment

During the first visit, your dentist will examine the teeth that will receive crowns. This will involve taking dental x-rays to check the teeth’ roots and surrounding bone. If there is an injury to the pulp, extensive tooth decay, or a risk of infection, a root canal treatment may be performed to prevent tooth loss. 

Tooth Preparation

To receive dental crowns and bridges, the teeth must be prepared to accommodate the prosthetic caps. After numbing your teeth and their nearby gum tissue, your dentist will reshape the top and sides of the teeth that will receive crowns. This will allow the crowns to fit correctly over your teeth.

Mouth Impressions

A dental assistant taking a dental impression of a patient’s mouth

After preparing the teeth, an impression is taken of your entire mouth with a mold or digital scanner. At Definitive Dental, we only use digital scans because it gives us the most accurate model of your jaw and teeth. This ensures perfect fitting dental crowns and bridges, eliminating bite problems.

Temporary Crowns

The impressions are then sent to a lab to build your crowns or bridges. This process can take anywhere from 10 days to three weeks. In the meantime, you will get temporary crowns to cover the prepared teeth. Temporaries are necessary to avoid tooth shifting and calm hypersensitive teeth.

Permanent Replacements

When your permanent dental crowns and bridges are ready, you’ll return to the office to have them applied. After numbing your teeth, your dentist will remove the temporary crowns. The dentist will then examine the new bridge or crown’s color and fit. If everything is acceptable, the permanent crown/bridge is cemented to your teeth.

How to Care for Dental Crowns and Bridges

Getting artificial teeth doesn’t mean you can slack off on dental care. Practicing good dental hygiene helps you ward off oral diseases that destroy your gums and jawbone. Gum recession and bone loss can loosen crowns and bridges over time. Looking after your teeth is essential to make your crowns last longer.

After learning what dental crowns and bridges are, you should also know how to maintain them. Follow these oral care best practices to keep your natural and replacement teeth in tip-top shape:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Floss once daily to clean between teeth
  • Use fluoride toothpaste and rinses
  • Clean underneath the bridge with floss threaders or interproximal brushes
  • Get routine dental checkups every six months

Protect and Restore Your Teeth With Definitive Dental

Whether due to aging or oral diseases, tooth loss is an inevitable fact of life. But this doesn’t mean you should learn to live with missing teeth. From destroying your confidence to depriving you of your favorite foods, missing teeth impairs your quality of life. Getting a tooth replacement not only enhances your smile but also helps you live life to the fullest.

If you want to get dental crowns and bridges in the Grand Prairie area, you won’t find a better place than Definitive Dental. Rated a Top 3 Cosmetic Dentist in Grand Prairie, we Take Your Smile to New Heights. Experience Dentistry Done Right with pain-free procedures and plenty of comfort amenities. Call or text us today at (972) 646-0660 to book an appointment.

woman with glasses smiling

As you age, maintaining healthy oral habits is essential to help your teeth last a lifetime. People over the age of 65 have an increased chance of gum disease, tooth loss, and dental decay. Although teeth changes will occur, there are a few ways to help support healthy teeth and gums as you grow older. 

man with a bright white smile

Acknowledge Natural Wear and Tear

Teeth changes are natural. Wear and tear come to all physical aspects of life, including our bodies, and teeth are no exception. After so much use, older teeth are more worn down than younger teeth. As we age, our teeth get weaker, more susceptible to cracks and breaks. This makes proper care more important than ever. This can include being aware of more sensitive teeth and forming specific treatment plans with your dentist as necessary. 

While it is natural for teeth to wear down, you don’t have to expedite the process, and there are some measures you can take to preserve your teeth as much as possible. Wearing a nightguard is a great way to protect your teeth. Another type of protection comes with monitoring what you put in your mouth, as described below.

Recognize Food and Drinks to Avoid

You’ve likely noticed or are already aware that some foods and drinks, including coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco, act as staining agents to teeth, causing mild to severe discoloration, especially with frequent use over time. Tobacco is the most serious of these elements to avoid, since “the risk of developing an oral cavity cancer increases with age and tobacco use,” as studied by Harvard Health Publishing.

Having a dry mouth is also a bigger concern with age, especially since it’s paired with increased cavity risk. Tobacco dries out your mouth even more — another reason to avoid it. It’s the same with alcohol and caffeinated beverages. If you must have these drinks, counteract the dry mouth effects with sugarless gums and plenty of water.

woman with glasses smiling

Be Aware of Gum Health

Teeth changes that come with age are not just about teeth, because your smile is more than teeth: it’s also about your gums. Naturally, gums will thin and recede with age. That doesn’t just make your smile look different; gum recession exposes the softer roots of teeth. Without as much protection, teeth can more easily get cavities. You are also more vulnerable to gum disease as you get older for this reason.

Gum health is critical to be aware of when it comes to maintaining a healthy appearance and sensation in your mouth. The last thing you want is discomfort, swelling, or pain in the gums to affect the look and feel of your smile. Be aware of the symptoms of gum disease and pay attention to your gum appearance and feel. Let your dentist know immediately if you have itchy gums or any pain in your mouth. It’s best to take care of small issues as soon as possible before they become emergencies.

Prioritize Your Dental Care

As your teeth change with age, it’s more important than ever to prioritize your dental care. Establish a consistent routine of regular dental checkups and dedicated oral hygiene maintenance at home to keep a youthful-looking smile even through the natural wear and tear that comes with teeth changes with age.

Here at Definitive Dental, we’re here to help you with personalized care towards promoting your oral health at any age, from 6 months old  to 100 years old. Get in contact with us today so we can get started with your custom treatment plan. From dental emergencies to dentures and regular cleanings, we have all the services you need for complete oral health! 

patient undergoing dental implant surgery

Dental implants are titanium devices that act as replacement roots for missing or damaged teeth. Getting dental implants involves surgical placement, letting them heal, and then adding a metal connection called an abutment. Finally, a crown that functions and looks like a natural tooth is placed on top of the abutment. Dental implants are an excellent alternative to bridges or dentures, particularly in patients who don’t want anything removable or to drill on the adjacent teeth.

When Are Dental Implants Necessary?

If you have at least one missing or broken tooth that needs to be replaced, you may consider getting dental implants. Patients with loose partials, dentures, bridges and those wanting to improve their chewing, speech, or face structure may also benefit from getting dental implants.

Note that you are generally a good candidate for dental implants if you have enough bone to support your implants or with bone grafting to provide the necessary bone. Strong bone is key for implant success, as implants should last for life. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

One of the advantages of dental implants is that they don’t affect the surrounding teeth. In addition, dental implants can prevent bone loss and maintain your jaw’s natural shape and appearance.


Dental implants match your mouth’s natural teeth and are available in a broad range of sizes and shapes. Your dental team will make sure that your implants match your surrounding teeth’s color and fit in your gaps perfectly, so only you and your dentist will be able to tell your natural teeth from your implants.

Biting Ability

Dental implants’ benefits also include the ability to restore your bite force. That’s because a dental implant’s titanium post is securely anchored in the jawbone. As a result, it is strong enough to allow you to bite using the same force you would use with a natural tooth. 

Speaking Ability

Yet another reason to choose dental implants is that they will help you speak naturally and easily. Whereas dentures can make it hard to pronounce some words correctly, implants can enhance your speech simply because they function and look like your natural teeth.

Cavity Prevention

Finally, dental implants offer the benefit of being resistant to cavities. You will still have to care for your gums to keep infection-causing bacteria from accumulating in the mouth. However, the material in dental implants can’t decay, which means cavities will never be a problem for them.

illustration of two dental implants

What Are the Next Steps?

If you are interested in getting dental implants, our expert, Dr. Guirguis is eager to help. Dr. Guirguis has trained across the country with some of the best instructors in the nation and has successfully placed hundreds of implants. 

Your implant procedure may take place in a single stage or multiple stages depending on your unique situation, with the surgery generally taking one to two hours each time. There is no postoperative discomfort associated with this procedure. Then it will take about three months for your implants to completely integrate into your jawbone and be ready for a crown. Implant dentures can be made to serve as a temporary in the case all teeth are removed or no natural teeth remain.

Book an implant appointment today by calling or texting us at (972) 646-0660, or reach out via our contact form to request an appointment.

woman posing for a photo with bright white smile

Everyone’s teeth dull naturally, and there can be several reasons you want a whiter smile. Maybe you have a special occasion like a graduation or holiday coming up where you’d like to look nice for photos, and you’re looking for a quick fix that will make a real difference. We have a solution for you with Zoom! teeth whitening. If you’ve ever wondered what a Zoom! whitening kit is or how effective Zoom! whitening gel will be on your teeth, read on to discover how the Zoom! teeth whitening process can give you a dramatically brighter smile in a short period of time.

woman posing for a photo with bright white smile

What is Zoom! Teeth Whitening?

As the name suggests, Zoom! teeth whitening is a quick way to brighten the appearance of teeth. The process works with a powerful UV lamp that activates the whitening agent, made of hydrogen peroxide, which is placed on the teeth. The tooth bleaching process occurs when the hydrogen peroxide breaks down because of the heat and light of the lamp, bringing oxygen to the enamel and dentin. This whitening process bleaches away visible stains, discolorations, and darkened sections of teeth while still preserving the underlying structure of each tooth.

As you can see in our before and after images below, Zoom! teeth whitening makes a visible difference in the brightness of a smile. Give your teeth a healthy-looking glow with a Zoom! whitening kit. 

A before and after image for Zoom! teeth whitening

Eligibility for the Procedure

Zoom! teeth whitening is quick and relatively easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. A dentist needs to approve the tooth whitening process. In certain cases based on oral hygiene, lifestyle, or dental cosmetic goals, teeth whitening may not be the best choice. Whitening is always the final step in your treatment. Your mouth must be free from cavities prior to whitening.

It is important to recognize that any existing dental work you have will not respond to Zoom! teeth whitening. So if you have crowns or veneers that match your current smile brightness, using a Zoom! whitening kit may give you a mismatched-looking smile. Your dentist will help you determine if a Zoom! whitening gel is a good fit for your oral circumstances and preferences.

Benefits of Zoom! Whitening

The most obvious and most important advantage of Zoom! teeth whitening is that it is a quick, reliable way to get your teeth to look brighter. There are plenty of whitening options out there, from toothpaste to strips and bleaching trays, but Zoom! whitening takes less than an hour for immediate results. Plus, you get a Zoom! whitening kit with Zoom! whitening gel to help maintain those shining results. Also, importantly, Zoom! whitening does not have any long-term side effects the way some other oral procedures can.

Procedure Details

There isn’t much involved with the Zoom! whitening procedure other than an official consultation beforehand to get approval from the dentist for this method. 

Once you are here at the office ready for your teeth whitening procedure to begin, the process will be very quick. All you will need to do is get settled comfortably in your chair. Then we give you a cheek retractor, apply the whitening gel to your teeth, and shine a UV light on your smile. We will then remove the gel after about half an hour. And that’s it! You will see the immediate results in a brighter smile. 

We will provide you with detailed instructions for your at home Zoom! whitening kit and schedule your next appointment.

Get Speedy, Sparkling Results

Our team will help you achieve a brighter smile in under an hour. 

Start the Zoom! whitening process today.

Call (972) 646-0660 


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A girl putting in a clear retainer for dental alignment

Whether you have tooth imperfections or are interested in straightening your teeth, Definitive Dental can help you improve the appearance of your teeth. 

With invisible aligners, like SureSmile and Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth discreetly and comfortably. On the other hand, veneers are a wonderful option if you are looking for a way to conceal tooth imperfections and discoloration. 

Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons, typical candidates, and procedures of veneers vs clear aligners. 

A girl putting in a clear retainer for dental alignment

Veneers vs Invisalign: At a Glance

Veneers vs Invisalign: Who is a Good Candidate?

Since veneers are permanent fixtures on the teeth, they work well for color correction and size assimilation for a unified smile, but can’t do as much for moving teeth around. On the other hand, clear aligners can help teeth gradually shift, but don’t help with discoloration. 

It should be noted that neither clear aligners nor veneers are usually recommended for children. SureSmile and Invisalign clear aligners focus on straightening teeth, but should not be considered before permanent teeth are in the mouth. Similarly, veneers are made to last, so they shouldn’t be put on baby teeth. 

Veneers vs Invisalign: Pros and Cons

Clear aligners have the advantage of being a popular, tried-and-true method that’s relatively the same cost as braces for correcting while offering a quick, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing treatment experience compared to regular braces. However, clear aligners need to be worn for the majority of the day, about 20-22 hours. 

Veneers can protect damaged or eroded teeth with a secure covering. However, if you don’t put veneers on all your front teeth, you can have an uneven smile with noticeable color differences as normal teeth change color over time while the veneers remain the same. Veneers are also generally irreversible, in the event your veneers become damaged, you will have to put on another veneer or crown the tooth.

A girl outside with a bright smile

Veneers vs Invisalign: Procedure Details

Length, cost, and recovery are all factors to consider. As previously mentioned, the treatment plan for clear aligners lasts around 6-8 months. After an initial consultation and exam, a virtual workup of your smile is created to envision the results. Once the aligners are ready, patients will need to wear their clear aligners every day, except during meals. Regular checkups are also required to ensure that teeth are moving properly and new trays are used when necessary.

In contrast, veneers only involve procedures at the dentist without any taking off or putting on anything at home since they are permanently placed on teeth. Typically, you have a consult visit, a first operative visit where you get temporary veneers and have an impression taken for your permanent ones, and then a follow-up visit where you get your permanent veneers. Each of these procedures is relatively quick and painless. There isn’t much recovery required since it is typically not an invasive or intensive process, but you do need to upkeep your oral health and continue seeing your dentist regularly to monitor your veneer condition.

Get the Right Care for You

Our dentists create healthy and beautiful smiles that last. Whether you are considering veneers or clear aligners, your journey begins with an initial consultation.

Call our office at (972) 646-0660 to set up your initial consultation. 


Request an Appointment Online
sedation dentistry texas

If you’re feeling unsettled about your upcoming dental procedure, you can take comfort in our sedation dentistry options at our dentist’s office in Texas.

Our sedation dentistry services—at our dentist’s office in Grand Prairie, Texas—involve using medication and laughing gas to make it easier for patients to relax during their oral care procedures. When patients undergo sedation, they are typically awake but feel more comfortable and at ease during their procedures. Let’s take a closer look at why sedation dentistry is so beneficial for patients in Texas.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry in Texas

A key benefit of sedation dentistry is that it is designed to reduce dental anxiety in patients during dental procedures such as root canal treatment, tooth extractions, or even dental implants. As a result, you can have a truly positive oral treatment experience from start to finish. 

Who Are the Best Candidates for Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry in Texas is most appropriate for patients whose dental anxiety levels are severe, as sedation can make it easier for patients to visit the dentist’s office. 

Sedation dentistry is also appropriate for:

  • Patients with overactive gag reflexes
  • Patients who struggle to become numb
  • Patients with musculoskeletal issues
  • Patients with severe stress and discomfort
  • Patients with sensitive teeth or low pain tolerance
  • Patients with fidgety behavior, claustrophobia, or previous traumatic experiences at the dentist’s office

Experience the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry at Definitive Dental

If you feel apprehensive about your next dental treatment, we at Definitive Dental can help with our sedation dentistry services in Grand Prairie. With our Profound Numbing Guarantee, you can experience a sense of peace and confidence each time you undergo a procedure as we will pause treatment to administer more anesthetic and only continue once you are comfortable.

Our sedation dentistry services are just one reason why we have earned more than 300 five-star ratings and continue to receive praise from customers in Texas. At Definitive Dental, which is affiliated with both the American Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association, we take pride in being a dental office known for Dentistry Done Right. With our cutting-edge dental technologies combined with our matchless patient focus, you can rest assured that every trip to our office will be a positive one.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how our sedation dentistry services in Texas can enhance your dental treatment experiences in the months and years ahead.

restaurant patron with aligners

ou’re ready to start smiling with confidence by straightening your teeth, but you don’t feel comfortable with the idea of wearing traditional metal braces. Fortunately, you may not have to. 

With invisible aligners—an increasingly popular alternative to traditional metal braces—you can easily straighten your teeth in an effective and discreet way. Here is a look at everything you need to know about invisible aligners, including cleaning invisible aligners and eating with your aligners.

See the End Results Before you Start!

The all-digital process, from digital scans to digital x-rays, will allow you to see how your teeth will look after treatment is completed before you even begin. The process is remarkably simple and best of all, no gunky impressions. 

A Look at Invisible Aligners

Aligners are made from thin shells made of plastic that are designed to gently push your teeth into the proper position gradually. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are relatively transparent and are also less likely to irritate your gums. With these aligners, you can experience excellent teeth-straightening results starting in just four to six weeks while also being able to remove your aligners when needed.

How Invisible Aligners Work

When you use aligners, you will likely replace your aligners every two weeks as your teeth shift. Every new aligner you receive will be completely unique based on the current shape and placement of your teeth at each stage of the teeth alignment transformation process. You will need to wear your aligners for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours per day to ensure appropriate tooth movement.

Length of Treatment with Invisible Aligners

With SureSmile, you will experience amazing results with fewer refinements at the end and on average three months shorter treatment time than Invisalign! Your full treatment with aligners may take between six and 18 months. Adult patients who underwent previous orthodontic treatment usually achieve the results they desire in just 12 weeks. Some patients might require more complex treatment plans based on their particular bite or crowding issues, and traditional braces may be necessary. We will be able to let you know during your initial consultation.

man with aligners

Eating with Invisible Aligners

One of the biggest benefits of aligners is that they can easily be removed before mealtimes. For this reason, it is recommended that you avoid eating with your aligners. By removing your aligners before you eat, you avoid damaging them by chewing on foods that are hard. You also prevent pieces of food from becoming trapped between the aligners and teeth, possibly causing cavities.

On the flip side, you can feel free to drink water while wearing your aligners. However, it is best to avoid drinking anything else or hot beverages with your aligners on, as the heat may warp the aligners. In addition, you might want to avoid any -colored beverages, which may stain your aligners. Likewise, keep cavities at bay by steering clear of sugary beverages when you’re wearing aligners.

Cleaning Invisible Aligners

When it comes to cleaning your aligners, you should rinse them thoroughly whenever you remove them. Then, brush them using a toothbrush with soft bristles and liquid soap that is clear and mild. Afterward, rinse your aligners to remove the soap. Your aligners will then be ready to use again.

Take Advantage of Aligners at Definitive Dental!

If you’re ready to improve your smile’s appearance and function with aligners, we at Definitive Dental can help. All it takes is a call to our office to begin your invisible aligner journey. 

Contact us to schedule a consultation and begin transforming your smile!

A woman brushing her teeth in the mirror

Are you wondering about how you can whiten your teeth without coming into the office? We’ll go over what to do if you’re looking for that bright shine for your smile achieved right from the comfort of your own home.

Can I whiten my own teeth?

While it is possible to whiten your own teeth, it may not be as quick and easy as the top results on the Internet lead you to believe. If you want to do your teeth whitening at home, the best-case methods use peroxide. However, don’t assume you can just follow suggestions from Pinterest or TikTok to mix your brown-bottle hydrogen peroxide with baking soda, or to use a whitening toothpaste that contains peroxide, and instantly get the white teeth you want. 

Results may take a long time before you’ll be able to recognize a difference. And mixing your own solution can be ineffective or even dangerous, depending on the ratios and products you use. The last thing you want is to damage your teeth because you were trying to do teeth whitening at home. Instead, you’ll want a safe, effective treatment option where you can work to maintain your results.

A woman brushing her teeth in the mirror

How can you do teeth whitening at home? 

Don’t worry — you can whiten your teeth safely and effectively at home. You’ll want to get a hydrogen or carbamide peroxide gel directly from a trusted dental service

And this can’t be someone you don’t know, even if they’re a high-quality dentistry office, because the whitening gel needs to be used with a custom-made mouth guard for you. So you can whiten your teeth at home, but you still need the help of your dentist. At Definitive Dental, we offer several professional-strength take-home options for teeth whitening at home, as well as in-office options.

a bride and her bridesmaids

Is teeth whitening at home fast?

Do you need your teeth whitening done stat, so you can be picture ready for your best friend’s big day or for some extra confidence with that big project presentation at work? Then you probably shouldn’t do it just by yourself at home.

Teeth whitening at home does give you the most control over the shade of white your teeth become, but it’s not the fastest way. If you’re looking for fast teeth whitening, come into Definitive Dental. Our teeth whitening procedure is called Zoom!, so you know it’s speedy!

Discover Dentistry Done Right

If you want your teeth whitened, Definitive Dental is here to help. Schedule a dentist consultation with us so we can look into the best solutions to take your smile to the next level.

Woman covering her mouth to get rid of bad breath

Chronic bad breath, called halitosis, affects millions of Americans every year. Everyone experiences bad breath early in the morning or after a particularly garlicky meal, but the issue is more concerning if it still doesn’t go away after you brush, floss, or gargle each day. Bad breath can lead to insecurity, a lack of confidence, and self-esteem issues. The good news is that the condition is easily preventable and treated once a dentist determines the underlying cause.

If you’re suffering from bad breath despite brushing, flossing, and maintaining your oral hygiene at home, it’s time to consult a dentist to understand how you can get rid of bad breath.

The Common Causes of Bad Breath

Poor Dental Hygiene

The overwhelming majority of bad breath comes from inside the mouth. Without brushing and flossing daily (including brushing your tongue), bacteria and food particles build up in your mouth. The bacteria produce sulfur compounds that make your breath stink. 

Many patients opt to treat bad breath through mints or gum, but this is a short-term solution for a recurring condition. When poor dental hygiene is the primary cause of chronic bad breath, brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are the only ways to attack and remove the bacteria.

Corrective Devices

When using retainers, dentures, or mouthguards when sleeping, it’s important to be aware that these devices can also lead to bad breath. At our Grand Prairie office, we find that a common cause of bad breath is when these devices trap food particles on unclean teeth and lead to worsening bad breath. To ensure that your corrective devices are not causing bad breath, it’s important to clean your mouthguard or dentures regularly.

Cavities or Infection

Cavities can be detrimental to your overall oral health and also contribute to bad breath. While it’s not a direct cause, the decay pockets created by these cavities can cause bacteria to stick and escape the bristles of your toothbrush. These bacteria then feed on food particles to cause bad breath. Conditions like tonsillitis and strep throat can also be behind bad breath, and it’s critical to get treated for them before it becomes worse. 

One way to get rid of bad breath is to go for a dental exam. Your dentist will prescribe corrective treatment for any cavities or infections that are causing bad breath while taking care of your overall oral health. 

Dry Mouth or Dehydration

While you might not think that not drinking enough water is affecting your breath, you’d be surprised. A relatively unknown cause of bad breath is not getting enough fluids. A dry mouth can prevent food from leaving the mouth, and this can lead bacteria to feed upon it. 

Saliva and water wash away both bacteria and food particles, preventing sulfur compounds from forming in the mouth. Saliva also contains enzymes that can break down food and reduce odor-causing bacteria. The antibacterial properties of saliva also help by eradicating harmful bacteria and infections. 

Other Possible Causes of Bad Breath

  • Gum disease 
  • Acid reflux
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive issues
  • Prior medical issues like liver disease, respiratory tract infections, and gastrointestinal infections
  • Tonsil stones
  • Medications used to treat blood pressure or diabetes, leading to dry mouth and bad breath

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

  • Avoid all kinds of smoking and tobacco products
  • Brush and floss at least two times a day
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
  • Regularly clean oral corrective devices like dentures and retainers
  • Use a tongue scraper daily to remove bacteria
  • Use an antimicrobial rinse daily
  • Get regular dental health check-ups

Looking to Get Rid of Bad Breath? We Can Help

Sometimes, knowing the causes of bad breath isn’t enough to get rid of it. While there are many solutions to resolve bad breath, an expert dentist can tell you which one is the right one for your needs. At Definitive Dental, we pride ourselves on taking exceptional care of each patient by customizing services for their needs. We provide a thorough dental exam that can help identify the cause behind your bad breath. 

We also provide family dentistry and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal oral health while ensuring that you have the best smile around. Book an appointment with us today to take your smile to new heights! 

Contact us today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (972) 646-0660.

A woman with toothache holding her cheek

Cavities are the most common dental issue — more than 90% of American adults have had a cavity at some point in their lives. Practicing good oral hygiene and limiting sweets are great strategies to prevent cavities, but sometimes you get them anyway. 

But just because cavities are common, it doesn’t mean they can’t cause serious problems. Cavities can lead to infections, extractions, and other oral problems if you don’t treat them in time. Frequent dental checkups are the best way to identify and treat them early. 

Many of our Grand Prairie patients wonder how they can know if they have a cavity and what to do for the most effective treatment.

What is a Cavity?

A cavity is a hole in your tooth that develops due to decay. Cavities form when bacteria or food build up on the surface of your teeth and eat away at your enamel. Left untreated, cavities can affect deeper layers of your teeth, causing unbearable toothache, serious infections, and, eventually, tooth loss. 

How Do I Know If I Have a Cavity?

The signs of a dental cavity depend on the extent of decay and the location of the damaged tooth. At first, you may not even notice any symptoms. As the damage becomes worse, you will experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain when biting 
  • Sudden toothaches
  • Visible holes or pits on the tooth
  • Black, brown, or white stains on the tooth
  • Pain when eating or drinking something sweet
  • Lingering sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages

What Do I Do If I Have the Symptoms of a Cavity

Unfortunately, a cavity is not something you can fix on your own. A dental filling requires special tools and professional expertise. If you have frequent tooth pain or lasting sensitivity while eating, it’s best to call your dentist as soon as possible so you can treat your dental cavity before it gets worse. 

Causes of Cavities

You may know how to tell if you have a cavity but still wonder what causes it. Several reasons can lead to dental cavities decaying your tooth and wearing down your enamel. Some of the most common causes of cavities include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Fluoride deficiency
  • Poor brushing and flossing techniques
  • Sticky foods and beverages like sweets, soda, and cereal
  • Conditions that force acid into your mouth, such as eating disorders and acid reflux disease

Treatments for Cavities

A dentist treating a patient

If you know you have a cavity, fixing it is a relatively straightforward procedure. The dentist will remove the decayed parts of the tooth and repair them with dental fillings or crowns. Depending on the extent of damage, you may also need a root canal treatment

If you have a cavity in Grand Prairie, contact Definitive Dental for an appointment. Dr. Guirguis and his team can restore your healthy smile. Call us at (972) 646-0660 or contact us online to schedule your appointment and take your smile to new heights!

A man holding his head in pain

We all know about the importance of brushing teeth for a healthy smile, but did you know that poor oral hygiene can lead to diseases all over the body? Bacteria can enter the bloodstream through your mouth and cause various illnesses apart from dental issues like cavities and gum disease. 

Fortunately, starting with oral hygiene at a young age and sticking with it can prevent most of these issues from developing. Here is a look at various diseases caused by poor dental hygiene and how to avoid them. 

What Health Issues Can Result From Poor Oral Hygiene?

Studies show that poor oral health might contribute to various diseases in the body. It may sound extreme, but consider this — failing to brush or floss leads to bacteria growth in your mouth, and when you compound this problem over years and years, it has significant consequences. Here are some of them. 

Cardiovascular Diseases

Poor oral hygiene can increase your risk for cardiovascular diseases such as endocarditis. Bacteria can travel to your bloodstream from your mouth and cause inflammation and infection in the heart. Studies also show that those with gum disease have double the risk for stroke. 


Another disease caused by poor dental hygiene is diabetes. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which increases blood sugar levels and makes you more susceptible to diabetes. 

It also makes blood sugar levels harder to control and exposes you to more complications from the disease. 

Pregnancy Complications and Infertility

Poor oral health can also lead to pregnancy complications. According to studies, pregnant women with periodontal disease were six times more likely to deliver prematurely. These studies found that oral bacteria had traveled to the amniotic fluid and placenta. Additionally, poor oral hygiene can cause infertility by lowering sperm count in men.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Other diseases caused by poor dental hygiene include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Bacteria in the mouth can cause inflammation throughout the body and increase your risk of developing arthritis. If the gum disease persists for a long time, it can also cause bone loss in areas other than the mouth. 

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Studies show that pathogenic oral bacteria can travel to the nerve channels, destroy brain cells, and cause memory loss. 

Kidney Disease

Kidneys are another body part that can be affected by poor oral health. Patients with periodontal disease have weaker immune systems and are more vulnerable to infections and kidney disease.

How Can I Prevent These Diseases?

A woman and a child brushing their teeth

These are just some of the diseases caused by poor dental hygiene. Pathogenic oral bacteria can also cause respiratory problems and even cancer. To prevent these diseases from developing, you need to visit the dentist every six months and practice good dental hygiene. Here are some tips you can follow:

  • Brush and floss daily
  • Limit sugary foods and drinks
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Avoid smoking and other tobacco products
  • Rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash

Keep a Healthy Smile and a Healthy Body With Definitive Dental

A healthy smile means a healthy body. At Definitive Dental, we help you achieve that healthy smile and avoid diseases caused by poor dental hygiene. We welcome patients of all ages to our modern office in Grande Prairie for comprehensive dentistry. Contact us now to schedule your routine dental exams and cleanings to keep your mouth and body in the best shape possible!

A dentist showing thumbs up

Changing doctors is always a big decision, but if you’ve been dissatisfied after your most recent dental checkups, it may be time to switch dentists. Perhaps you have concerns about insurance and financing, you’ve moved and the office is no longer convenient, or maybe the level of care has not met your expectations. No matter what your reason, here’s how to switch dentists without any lapses in your oral health care.    

Signs Indicating It May Be Time to Switch Dentists

Not only do your personal and financial circumstances change over time, but your teeth change with age, too. You may require a new specialist to meet your current dental needs, or maybe you want a second opinion on a recommended treatment.

Here are some common signs that it might be time to look for a new dentist:

  • Your dentist is retiring
  • You’ve moved to a different area
  • Your dentist no longer accepts your insurance
  • Your dentist’s appointment schedules are inconvenient
  • You require a cosmetic dental service that your current office does not offer
  • You are not comfortable with the treatment plan your dentist has recommended
  • You are not happy with the quality of treatments you receive 

How Do I Switch Dentists?

A man high-fiving a dentist

Making the switch can seem daunting, but by following these steps, you can make it easier to find a new dentist as soon as possible. 

1. Do Your Research

Finding the right dentist requires a bit of research. Start by searching your area for offices with convenient locations. When you’re ready to switch dentists, make sure the new practice offers the services you want. Do you have little ones? Then look for an office offering family dentistry and services like orthodontics.

Once you’ve found a dentist accepting new patients, read reviews from other patients to see what you can expect. It’s also a good idea to visit the dentist before making an appointment to check out their facilities and dental technology. 

2. Notify Your Old Dentist

When you’ve picked a new dentist, notify your old one that you’re leaving them. This step is not a necessity but rather a courtesy. 

Plus, when you switch dentists, you will need to transfer your old dental records to the new practice. Notifying your old dentist can expedite this process. 

3. Visit Your New Dentist

Once the new dentist has all the necessary dental records, they are ready to see you. You can schedule your first appointment and visit the office. If you’ve chosen the right dentist for your needs, you will have a comfortable visit and a healthier smile. 

Meet Your New Dentist in Grand Prairie

Now that you know how to switch dentists, you can find a new practice and receive the dental care you need. 

If you want to switch dentists in Grande Prairie, Dr. Guirguis and his team at Definitive Dental are accepting new patients. We offer a full range of preventative and restorative services, and we work with you to maximize your insurance benefits or find financing options that fit your budget. Call us at (972) 646-0660 or contact us through our website to schedule your appointment and enhance your smile at Definitive Dental.

A close headshot of a smiling woman with white teeth

Professional whitening is effective at removing years of stains and discoloration from the teeth. Whether you are looking to boost your confidence or are going to be attending a wedding, reunion, or another big event, a bright and white smile is sure to improve your appearance. 

Expert whitening is performed in the dental office or is provided to you using a professional-grade take-home kit. Either way, whitening results can last for months or even years, and maintaining your results is key to ensuring that you’ll always have a gorgeous smile.

In light of this, you may be wondering, how often should you whiten your teeth to see these long-lasting results? Here’s everything you need to know about why teeth whitening is important and how to maintain your teeth whitening results.

Why Should I Whiten My Teeth?

Many dentists will say that teeth whitening is purely cosmetic. At Definitive Dental, we like to say that it’s largely cosmetic, but there are some practical oral health benefits that come from professional whitening. 

The number-one reason that our patients choose to whiten is that they are not happy with the color of their teeth. If you are a smoker; drink a lot of coffee, tea, or cola; or you’re taking certain medications, you may notice that your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be. Likewise, just the act of aging can have a serious impact on the way your smile looks. By professionally whitening your teeth, you can expect dramatic results that help to increase your self-esteem and confidence, as well as make a better first impression in public.

While some staining is not necessarily an indicator of tooth decay, great attention to the causes of staining often leads to better overall oral health. Knowing how to maintain teeth whitening can lead to new habits that reduce your risk of cavities

Why Not Simply Brush More Often?

Sometimes brushing alone is not enough to make your teeth as white as you would like them to be. Even though we call them “pearly whites,” teeth are not naturally pure white.

Each tooth consists of enamel and dentin, which make the tooth look a bit off-white. Even the most vigorous tooth brushing will not make teeth perfectly white. This is especially true if you were born with darker dentin.

In addition, certain foods and drinks — like coffee and dark sodas — will stain your teeth. So, even if you’re brushing each day, it can be difficult to remove that brownish tint.

Finally, it is important to realize that brushing and flossing are not intended to whiten your teeth. Your goal when brushing is to remove the buildup of plaque, or the soft film that forms on teeth after you eat. Brushing is also meant to prevent cavities. The goal is to clean, not polish.

Given the above, teeth whitening is the best option for transforming your smile into a snow-white Hollywood smile. Here’s how often you should whiten your teeth to keep them looking beautiful and healthy.

man smiling in a mirror at the dentist

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

Every day? No! It is best to avoid whitening your teeth too often. Over-whitening your teeth can lead to issues with hypersensitivity or, in rare cases, damage the enamel.

The exact time frame of how often you should whiten your teeth will vary from patient to patient, but we typically recommend treatment no more frequently than once per year. This prevents issues involving sensitivity and helps with creating a natural-looking smile. The benefit of utilizing professional whitening is that the results typically last for about one year. This simply means you won’t feel the need to touch up or go with another whitening system because of how drastic the change is when you’re using a professional whitening option.

How Often You Should Whiten Your Teeth in the Office

You should ideally undergo an in-office teeth whitening session every 12-24 months. How often you should whiten your teeth in the dental office setting will ultimately depend on how quickly your teeth lose their brightness. Your dentist can evaluate your smile after six months and let you know when another teeth whitening session may be appropriate.

How Often You Should Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Over-the-counter whitening trays are less effective than professional in-office treatment, so the results will wear off sooner. Still, you should whiten your teeth at home no more than once every six months. An easy way to remember this is to start a whitening treatment between your regular dental checkups. For example, if you have dental cleanings scheduled for January and July, you could use whitening strips in April and October for a year-round polished look. 

Remember, it is important to not overuse whitening strips. Doing so has potential negative side effects such as wearing down your tooth enamel. This may increase your risk of developing cavities and make your teeth more sensitive.

How Often Should You Do Touch-Ups When You Whiten Your Teeth?

Always contact your dentist before you begin if you feel that you should touch up your teeth with a whitening agent more than twice per year.

Some reasons for more frequent staining include:

  • Heavy smoking
  • Dark-colored beverages such as coffee and tea
  • Certain medications such as iron supplements

Some genetic factors that contribute to tooth coloration are unavoidable, but many of the most common causes of tooth staining are due to lifestyle factors. These you can address.

How Can I Maintain My Results?

In addition to exploring how often you should whiten your teeth, you might be wondering how to maintain your teeth whitening results. The best way to prevent the need for touch-ups is to avoid future staining and discoloration of the teeth. If you’re a smoker, now is the best time to quit and a great way to extend the length of your results.

For you avid coffee drinkers, don’t worry. It is not necessary to quit drinking coffee, but you can make a few small changes. Consider drinking dark beverages through a straw to avoid contact with your teeth, or rinse your mouth with water after a cup of coffee or tea so the staining liquid does not linger on your teeth.

You may also want to consider using a whitening toothpaste to clear away stains and discoloration before they can get worse. The best whitening toothpaste has the following qualities:

  • Features bleaching chemicals (e.g., peroxide) versus abrasives
  • Contains fluoride
  • Eco-friendly
  • Includes silica
  • Does not have dyes or artificial sweeteners

Avoid whitening toothpaste with abrasives, as abrasives may remove your enamel over time. In addition, make sure that your whitening toothpaste contains fluoride, which can help you to fight cavities

You may also want to look for toothpaste brands that use 100% recyclable packaging and vegan formulas, as this will help with protecting the environment. Also, use toothpaste with silica if sensitive gums and teeth are a problem for you. Steer clear of whitening toothpaste that contains dyes and artificial sweeteners, as they can increase inflammation and may even cause the development of cancerous tumors.

Your dentist will help you to determine how often you should whiten your teeth based on your unique situation.

Avoid DIY Whitening

We do not recommend DIY methods to maintain teeth whitening results. You may find suggestions online for baking soda and hydrogen peroxide solutions, but applying a homemade mixture can lead to harmful side effects.

Definitive Dental staff in Grand Prairie, Texas

Learn How to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results at Definitive Dental

At Definitive Dental, we’re excited to further share with you in person how often you should whiten your teeth and how to maintain your teeth whitening results. Our goal is to provide exceptional whitening services as well as other dental services, such as dental fillings and crowns, in a family-friendly environment. Dr. Peter Guirguis and his staff are available to answer any questions you may have, and we welcome all new patients to our dental clinic in Grand Prairie, TX!

Ready to take your smile to new heights? Get in touch with us to learn more about how often you should whiten your teeth and schedule an appointment today!

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